February $5 Friday!

It ain’t easy being me… the director of a LAB rescue. You know the #1 breed for 23 years!!! Could that be the reason that every single dog in every shelter is a LAB or LAB MIX??? What was I thinking? Next time I’ll rescue Chinese Crested or some other obscure breed that you’d likely never see in a shelter… Instead I get bombarded all day, every day with sad pictures of labs (along with every other breed mix and cats), many hit by cars, others pregnant (or puppies with no moms) and then there are the dogs that have been chained out and starved within an inch of their lives. It never gets better and sometimes I wonder how much more I can take. As bad as it is to look at all the sad, deserving faces, the thing I hate worse is asking for donations. Every time I turn around the bills for vetting, boarding and training are through the roof. In the last couple of months, we’ve had to cut the number of dogs in the program significantly, so we can try to catch up with some of the debt.
Last year we came up with an idea to raise some money in a way that we thought would be virtually painless. With our database and Facebook following, we reach out to around 10,000 people. We thought if we asked everyone to donate $5, even if half the people participated, that would really help us with the debt. The $5 Fridays have been successful, mainly due to some very generous supporters, but the concept was to have a lot of people donate a little money. So we’re going to try another $5 Friday this Friday the 28th and we’re going to ask EVERYONE who believes in Atlanta Lab Rescue to please donate $5 (we won’t tell anyone if you donate more) to help us reach a goal of $25,000! You can go online at click on “donate” or the link below or mail $5 to PO Box 250206, Atlanta 30325.
(You can also click on the red DONATE dog on the right of the screen, thx!)
Please, everyone chip in and we’ll keep you posted on our progress.