All I want for Christmas is a …

Atlanta Lab Rescue works tirelessly, 24/7 – 365 to save as many dogs as we possibly can from all over the Southeast…Everything from puppies and pregnant dogs to senior dogs that have been abandoned. At Christmastime, so many people want to get a puppy (or a kitten) for a family member as a surprise Christmas Morning….Here is our PSA – DON’T DO IT!! We have been getting requests for puppies to “surprise my grandmother” on Christmas morning – seriously? A puppy is a living, breathing animal that will have a life spam of probably 15 years. This shouldn’t be a “surprise” on Christmas morning whether it is for Granny or the Grandkids or a surprise any time of the year. When this author got her puppy, now 8 years ago, she thought about it long and hard – she is neither a granny or a kid and it was challenging and it isn’t for everybody – she planned for it time wise and budget wise and was/is very successful. Our rescue will start to get tons of owner surrender requests end of January and February – the Christmas gift that keeps on giving actually needs work, love and attention! SO WHAT TO DO? Read on for the PERFECT SOLUTION – Find a very cool leash, collar and a toy and wrap them all up and put them under the tree with a note that says when the time is right for everyone and everyone is ready and on board, you will go out and adopt the right puppy or dog for your family. This is the perfect idea! Please help prevent the shelter dumping and make a good decision now! Remember….