Tagged: “Atlanta Lab Rescue Events”

Bourbon, Barbecue & Best of Breed 2025!

Ladies and gentlemen, grab your hats and fascinators, and join us on May the 3rd from 5-9 pm at the amazing Donaldson-Bannister Farm for “Bourbon, Barbecue & Best of Breed”…at the Derby!

This year we’ll start the festivities a little early and “go to the races.” Afterwards we’ll enjoy dinner from the fabulous Canoe Restaurant, and signature cocktails from our bourbon sponsors, Basil Hayden and Knob Creek. 

In addition to the race, entertainment will be provided by The Bourbon Brothers Band, and we’ll have amazing retrieving demos by award-winning  Labradors. Not to be missed, is our incredible silent auction, and back by popular demand, “Artist in Residence,” sculptor, Dorri Buchholtz.

Tickets are on sale now, will not be sold at the event, and are limited to the first 350 people

Click Here for Tickets!

If you are an individual or company and are interested in Sponsorship Opportunities, or would like to donate an item to our Silent Auction, please email us at atlantalab979@gmail.com . All proceeds from the event go to benefit Atlanta Lab Rescue and our mission to help more deserving dogs.

Thank you for supporting Atlanta Lab Rescue!

Thank you to our Amazing Sponsors for Bourbon, Barbecue & Best of Breed!

Thank you to longtime sponsors Perrin Automotive Group, which includes Cobb County Toyota, Cherokee County Toyota, Cherokee County Nissan and Chevrolet of Canton

Thank you LCP Institutional – Independent Investment Consulting

For more information on how you can sponsor this great event, please email atlantalab979@gmail.com

10th Annual ALR 5K Race!

Join us for the 10th Annual Atlanta Lab Rescue 5K on Sunday, November 10th at Westside Park in Atlanta, GA. This event is one of our largest fundraisers for Atlanta Lab Rescue and we can’t do it without you. 

The Atlanta Lab Rescue 5K is a dog and kid friendly race. The registration fee includes a long sleeve race t-shirt. Awards will be given to the overall male and female winners as well as top 3 M/F in various age groups and the top 3 finishing dogs participating. If you can’t make the race, we are offering a virtual race option. T-shirts will be mailed to virtual race participants after the event.

You can register for the race here: Atlanta Lab Rescue 5K (runsignup.com)

Entry fee is $35. Price will increase after October 13th.

After the race, come mingle with Atlanta Lab Rescue’s adoptable dogs who will be on-site cheering the participants on!

Your Support Provides a Lifeline! Thank you!

 As the year comes to a close, we want to thank all of the volunteers that help rescue, transport, foster, show at Adoption Days, and do the administrative work. It’s a small army that accomplishes great things for so many deserving dogs! We also want to thank all of you who support us financially, many throughout the year, as well as those of you who step up when we get in a bind.

If you own a dog, you know how expensive vetting has gotten, and its no different for rescue, especially when you have 50+ dogs, and you seem to be a magnet for the tough cases. On Christmas morning we received a call about a young black lab named Gypsy, who was spayed the week before and had ripped open her stitches, and her organs were protruding through the incision. The owners took her to a vet but they couldn’t afford to pay the bill. The vet didn’t want to see the dog put down, so she called someone, who called someone, who called us. Gypsy is at the ER now with a bill that could range from $4200 – $8400, and that’s just one dog. 

In addition to the “tough cases,” our general vetting that we do at intake averages over $500 for a healthy dog. We also currently have 10 permanent fosters, dogs that have health issues that make them hard to adopt, so we find loving foster homes for them and agree to pay all of their vetting. The issues range from cardiac to Cushings to cancer, and most require frequent specialty vet visits and expensive meds.

Right behind vetting, is our boarding cost. We average 25 dogs in boarding at any given time, with a yearly total this year close to $150,000 (over $12,000 for food alone). Additional board training for behavioral issues added another $3-5,000 a month.This year, thanks to your support, we had what we needed to get the job done and help many dogs that other rescues could not, but we’re beginning 2024 with a balance that is 27% below last year, meaning we’ll have to scale back.
I wish all of you had my perspective. I see every dog when it comes in and then when it’s adopted, and the look in their faces says it all. Their lives are forever changed. There are only a few days left in the year, and we’re asking if you haven’t donated, if you would consider a tax deductible donation to Atlanta Lab Rescue. Every bit helps – $3 buys a collar, $300 covers heartworm treatment, and it all changes lives. 

Thank you!!
Becky Cross
ALR Director

You can also mail a donation to PO Box 250206, Atlanta, GA 30325 or VENMO @AtlantaLabRescue
Click Here to Donate Once you’ve donated, tell your friends by sharing on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or the social media platform of your choice. Let’s show them how much heart GEORGIA has!!!  


 Those of you who have gone to our GA Gives page to donate, read about Alfie, a rescue that came in starved and abused. His adopter donated, and emailed us an update.Turns out today is his “Gotcha Day,” when he was adopted, and here’s Alfie now. This should make you believe in miracles and how your support for Atlanta Lab Rescue changes lives.We are so grateful for your financial support that makes it all possible, and for those volunteers who make it all happen.We didn’t quite meet our goal for Giving Tuesday this year… so let’s make it Giving Friday!If you haven’t had a chance to donate to GA Gives, you can still do it by clicking below. Your donations are tax deductible and guaranteed to make you feel good… 
Thank you!!Becky CrossALR Director
You can also mail a donation to PO Box 250206, Atlanta, GA 30325 or VENMO @AtlantaLabRescue and indicate “Giving Tuesday.”Click Here to Donate Once you’ve donated, tell your friends by sharing on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or the social media platform of your choice. Let’s show them how much heart GEORGIA has!!!  

ALR 5K – A Big Dog Size Thank You!

On behalf of Atlanta Lab Rescue, we want to thank everyone who participated in our 9th Annual George Heery, Jr Memorial ALR 5KI this year. We couldn’t have done it without the support of our amazing sponsors, volunteers, and runners. 

We hope everyone had a great time on the course and petting all the adorable dogs. All the proceeds of this race help us continue our work on rescuing homeless and abused dogs and helping them find their “furever” homes. Your contributions make it possible for us to help as many dogs as we can. 

Thank you again for making this event such a huge success. Be sure to join us next year for our 10th year of this race on Sunday, November 17, 2023. Mark your calendars now!

Bourbon Barbecue & Best of Breed – Save The Date!

Bourbon, Barbecue & Best of Breed 2021
The Big ScoreSave the Date!Saturday, September 18th 2021
Back for the 4th year, “Bourbon, Barbecue and Best of Breed” is the event that you have been waiting for…IN PERSON!!Join us at the beautiful Donaldson-Bannister Farm in Dunwoody for food, fun and field trial demos…add bourbon and beer tasting, cornhole, music, silent auction and yes, we will have the GA vs. SC game playing for the ultimate “tailgate.” Purchase your tickets TODAY!Get your TICKETS Here!** Tickets limited to 350 ** For Sponsorship opportunities, please email us at info@atlantalabrescue.com   
BB & B is one of our annual fundraisers with all proceeds benefitting Atlanta Lab Rescue. We ask that you leave your young children and young pups (or older pups) at home for this adult event. Thank you!

Remember, you can bring all of your children and all dogs to the Annual Atlanta Lab Rescue 5k later this year! Check our website for sign up!


7th Annual Atlanta Lab Rescue 5K Race!

Please join us for the 7th annual Atlanta Lab Rescue 5K on Saturday, November 13th, 2021. The race this year will be a trail race through the beautiful Still Family Farm in Powder Springs, GA. Dogs are welcome as usual! After the race is completed, stick around for a fall festival with activities for dogs, kids and participants. Your registration fee will include a long sleeve t-shirt featuring our fan favorite race logo!

Want to run in the ALR 5k? This year our 5K course will be a trail race through Still Family Farm. We are offering both timed and untimed options for the live event. We are also offering a virtual option again this year. You can sign up at https://runsignup.com/Race/GA/PowderSprings/AtlantaLabRescue

Ready to be a sponsor of the ALR 5k? We have all levels of sponsorships available. If you are interested in sponsoring our race, please email mackhea@gmail.com and we can provide you with additional information. 

Thank you for your support of Atlanta Lab Rescue!

Atlanta Lab Rescue 5th Annual 5k – Getting Ready!

We are gearing up for our annual 5k Race and want to share some great information and wonderful volunteering and sponsorship opportunities!

ALR needs volunteers for the Atlanta Lab Rescue 5th Annual 5k!
The 5th year of the race is right around the corner and we are looking for volunteers to help with the planning and race day! If you are interested in volunteering for this great event please email vickijmann@gmail.com. As an added benefit, all volunteers will get a free volunteer t-shirt to wear on race day! 

Ready to be a sponsor of the ALR 5k?
We have all levels of sponsorships available. If you are interested, please fill out the sponsorship packet. If you have any questions about sponsorship please email mackhea@gmail.com

Want to run in the ALR 5k?
This is a fast Peachtree Qualifier perfect race to earn a early wave start time in the Peachtree Road Race 2020. You can sign up at https://runsignup.com/Race/GA/Marietta/AtlantaLabRescue

Please make sure to like our Facebook page Atlanta Lab Rescue 5K and share with your family and friends! We look forward to seeing you on the course  #ALR5K2019.

Get Ready for the ………4th Annual ALR 5k Run!!


The 4th Annual ALR 5K  – #ALR5K2018 –  is back and is going to be even bigger and better this year and we hope you will consider joining us for this fun family morning. The race is in full effect for planning and we are looking for sponsors, runners, walkers and volunteers.

If you are interested in volunteering please email vickijmann@gmail.com for more information.

The race is currently looking for sponsors. We have all levels of sponsorship available.  What a great way to get your business recognized with 800+ people!  The sponsorship packet can be accessed by clicking on the following link:  ALR 5K Sponsor Kit 2018

If you have additional sponsorship questions, please feel free to email Heather Mack Coyle at mackhea@gmail.com.

Lastly and most important….To sign up for this awesome race CLICK HERE

This race is a Peachtree Road Race Qualifier – USATF Certification # GA17050WC.

Please don’t forget to like our Facebook page- Atlanta Lab Rescue 5K this will always have the most up-to-date information about the race.

Thank you!

Atlanta Lab Rescue

February $5 Friday!

February $5 Friday!


It ain’t easy being me… the director of a LAB rescue. You know the #1 breed for 23 years!!! Could that be the reason that every single dog in every shelter is a LAB or LAB MIX???  What was I thinking? Next time I’ll rescue Chinese Crested or some other obscure breed that you’d likely never see in a shelter… Instead I get bombarded all day, every day with sad pictures of labs (along with every other breed mix and cats), many hit by cars, others pregnant (or puppies with no moms) and then there are the dogs that have been chained out and starved within an inch of their lives. It never gets better and sometimes I wonder how much more I can take. As bad as it is to look at all the sad, deserving faces, the thing I hate worse is asking for donations. Every time I turn around the bills for vetting, boarding and training are through the roof. In the last couple of months, we’ve had to cut the number of dogs in the program significantly, so we can try to catch up with some of the debt.
Last year we came up with an idea to raise some money in a way that we thought would be virtually painless. With our database and Facebook following, we reach out to around 10,000 people. We thought if we asked everyone to donate $5, even if half the people participated, that would really help us with the debt. The $5 Fridays have been successful, mainly due to some very generous supporters, but the concept was to have a lot of people donate a little money. So we’re going to try another $5 Friday this Friday the 28th and we’re going to ask EVERYONE who believes in Atlanta Lab Rescue to please donate $5 (we won’t tell anyone if you donate more) to help us reach a goal of $25,000!  You can go online at click on “donate” or the link below or mail $5 to PO Box 250206, Atlanta 30325.


(You can also click on the red DONATE dog on the right of the screen, thx!)

Please, everyone chip in and we’ll keep you posted on our progress.
