Atlanta Lab Rescue – $5 Friday!!!!!!!!

Imagine it’s 8:45 at night and you’re settled in watching “The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.” OK, so maybe that would never happen to you, but follow me here… Just as one housewife throws a drink (followed by multiple expletives) in the other housewife’s face, your phone beeps. You click on the text and BOOM there is the saddest face staring back at you…it’s from a volunteer from the shelter here in town, who is still  there at 9 pm holding vigil for this dog, who tested positive for parvo earlier in the day. She wants to know if we can take him and she’ll drive him to the emergency clinic tonight. A shelter volunteer who cared this much to stay through the night with a sick dog would ordinarily make me pause with disbelief, except this was the third time she has done this to us.

We have been nursing our bank account all year, barely making it with adoption fees and monthly Paypal donations. The last critically ill dog made it after 10 days at the vet and now has a wonderful life, but vet bill was more than $8000. Knowing this dog would completely tank our resources, I said “NO” and went back to watching the my mindless television. Five minutes later I texted back “take him to the vet” (followed by my own expletives).

Ladd has been fighting for his life for 9 days now. The first couple of days we thought we might lose him. He developed pneumonia on top of the parvo, his white blood cells were nonexistent and on Tuesday they put a feeding tube in through his nose because he couldn’t keep any food down. Of course through it all, he wagged his tag every time someone came to his kennel. Today the news was good. He seems to be turning the corner. The bad news is that we’ve already spent more than we have and it’s not over yet….we’re looking for a $5 Friday to rescue us!

If all goes well, we’ll be able to get him out early next week and we’ll need a foster for him. When dogs are in these situations, they’re all alone in isolation. The treatment is often painful and they don’t know we’re trying to help them. It’s hard to keep them from giving up. The love and care this boy gets going forward is an important part of his healing. If you can help, please email .

We currently have close to 3000 people in our database and over 20,000 Facebook friends. If 23,000 donated $5, or even  $1 that would be amazing! To help us out, please click on the link below and donate or you can mail a check to PO Box 250206, Atlanta, GA 30325.

Thank you!
Becky Cross
Director – Atlanta Lab Rescue

Click here to donate

To make a donation, please visit Atlanta Lab Rescue
Click Here.
or mail donations to PO Box 250206, Atlanta, GA 30325
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4 Comments on "Atlanta Lab Rescue – $5 Friday!!!!!!!!"

  • Denise Herrmann says

    Every little bit helps. Until I can get myself back on my feet I can only donate $5.00 BUT once I’m working full time again, I can donate more AND give another beautiful lab a loving home. I can’t wait!!!

    • Joanne Pecina says

      Thank you SO much! You are right, every dollar helps and we are proud and happy to say that 100% of ALL donations go to saving Lab and Lab mix dogs!

      Thank you again!
      Atlanta Lab Rescue

  • Terry M says

    Just donated $25. Wish I could do more to help out!

    • Joanne Pecina says

      Thank you so very much! Every dollar helps us save dogs and it is so very appreciated!
      Best to you-
      Atlanta Lab Rescue