7th Annual Atlanta Lab Rescue 5K Race!

Please join us for the 7th annual Atlanta Lab Rescue 5K on Saturday, November 13th, 2021. The race this year will be a trail race through the beautiful Still Family Farm in Powder Springs, GA. Dogs are welcome as usual! After the race is completed, stick around for a fall festival with activities for dogs, kids and participants. Your registration fee will include a long sleeve t-shirt featuring our fan favorite race logo!

Want to run in the ALR 5k? This year our 5K course will be a trail race through Still Family Farm. We are offering both timed and untimed options for the live event. We are also offering a virtual option again this year. You can sign up at https://runsignup.com/Race/GA/PowderSprings/AtlantaLabRescue

Ready to be a sponsor of the ALR 5k? We have all levels of sponsorships available. If you are interested in sponsoring our race, please email mackhea@gmail.com and we can provide you with additional information. 

Thank you for your support of Atlanta Lab Rescue!

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