4th of July Fireworks and your Dog

sally alr 4th of july

It is nearly the 4th of July – a time for us to celebrate our freedom and independence, have cookouts, watch parades, have family gatherings, enjoy a picnics at the park and fireworks!   This is also the time of year, along with New Year’s Eve, that most dogs are lost due to fireworks.   This year take precautions with your dog relative to their proximity to any fireworks display. Even if you are shooting off fireworks in your backyard or you are in an area where a larger public display can be seen and heard, make sure your dog is safe and secure.

Be mindful of your guests coming and going into your home or fenced back yard. If your dog is already nervous or is feeling anxiety, an open door will look very tempting. Make sure your dog has on a collar that has clear identification, just in case he gets out. Make sure guests know that it isn’t ok to feed your dog what they are eating, or drinking. There are many foods that are dangerous to our dogs. Click just below for a list of foods and drinks that can be dangerous to your dog:

Dangerous Foods for Dogs

Remember, your dog’s hearing ability is so incredibly larger than our human ability. Imagine the sound they must hear when fireworks explode. Like thunderstorms, dogs may not really understand just what is going on, however, they hear a very loud noise and a see a very bright light – this can all make for a challenging evening! Be mindful of your dog and watch his/her body language. Above all, make sure all of your pets are secure and accounted for at the end of the evening.

Here is a great link provided by Peachtree Hills Animal Hospital, via the AVMA on pet safety and the 4th of July. Please CLICK HERE to read the article…….Or……CLICK HERE to listen to the Podcast.

Be safe and have a Happy 4th of July Celebration! 

Atlanta Lab Rescue


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